Andrew & Brenda





Our services


We can look after your business so you can have a short or long break!

We also offer services remotely - please inquire. 


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AB Accommodation Relief Managers / Minders NZ

  • First Class Management for Your Accommodation Busines
  • Professional and Experienced 
  • Flexible, Fit and Reliable 
  • Long and Short Term
  • Experience with Motels, Holiday Parks, Luxury Lodges, Luxury Apartments and happy to relief for any kind of accommodation business
  • Experience with Seekom, RMS, Motel Mate, Calista Aurelia, Roonsoft and find it easy to learn new systems
  • Experience with Breakfast Preparation 
  • Own Motorhome if Preferred 
  • Drug and Smoke Free

About us


We both have experience as Operational and General Managers in different types of accommodation businesses (Motels, Holiday Parks, Luxury Apartments and Luxury Lodges). 

Andrew has a Bachelor's Degree in Science and Brenda a Master's Degree in Organisational Change Management. We both worked initially in different fields, Andrew as skipper/engineer and Brenda as a HSQ Coordinator. Then we wanted to change our lifestyle. We now have been working together managing since 2015 and we are enjoying it so much!



For Accommodation Relief and Minding
Phone number: 027 3555632
E-mail us at: ab.accom.managers@gmail.com

For a quote, please send through: business name and location, dates (incl start and finish time), reception opening hours, what services you require, occupancy levels, size of property.

You can also find us and other relief managers on http://www.reliefmanagers.nz and https://www.coffeys.co.nz/ManagersMinders/


Email us via this form for any relief and minding related questions



"Thank you for all your hard work. We really appreciate it. It made our holiday much more enjoyable knowing it was in such safe hands."

Holiday Park Managers 2024


"Thanks team, really appreciate your professionalism under such rare circumstances at our complex! We will definitely yell out again.."

Motel Owners, 2024


"Hi Brenda and Andrew, Thank you for confirming you are back on Monday. We are looking forward to having you back."

Owner Beachfront Chalets, Cabins and Campground, 2024


"Thank you so much for your time. You all have done an awesome job and things look fantastic. Looking forward to welcoming you all back."

Motel Manager, 2023


During their time managing The Fairways I found them to be honest, reliable and very dependable, I would have no hesitating recommending them to any potential employer”.

Darryn Oakley (Owner The Fairways) 2023


It was a pleasure working with Andrew and Brenda and I am extremely confident that the Toys are the right candidates for your business”. 

Russell Kwa (Assistant Manager The Barn) 2020


Managed The Barn through a range of difficulties… done so admirably, with good spirt, humor and enthusiasm”.

Will Rolleston (Owner The Barn) 2020


 “We were most happy with their performance and strongly recommend them to any future employer”.

Gerry McSweeney (Owner Wilderness Lodge Arthurs Pass) 2016


"Staff was very friendly including Andrew. Thank you so much for having us."

Ashish (Guest, http://www.tripadvisor.co.nz) 2024


 “Andrew and Brenda were so accommodating and hospitable. Easy to communicate with”.

Katrina (Guest at The Fairways, http://www.tripadvisor.co.nz) 2022


 “From the moment of arrival to the end of our stay Andrew and Brenda looked after our every need and want. They are an incredible team offering 1st class accommodation…”.

Iain (Guest at The Fairways, http://www.tripadvisor.co.nz) 2022


 “Managed by a young couple, Andrew and Brenda, who were most helpful and friendly…our stay at The Fairways was so pleasant it was with great reluctance that we left to continue our long trip”.

John G (Guest at The Fairways, http://www.tripadvisor.co.nz) 2022





We still have space for 2025. We would love to hear from you!




Last updated February 2025